Sun damage occurs

Sun damage occurs when ultraviolet (UV) light hits unprotected skin, causing DNA changes at a cellular level leading to photoaging. Because photo damage happens in the deepest layers of the skin it can take years before the damage surfaces and becomes visible.


MORPHEUS8 By combining micro needling and radio frequency (RF) technology Morpheus8 rejuvenates and tightens the skin by stimulating collagen and elastin production. This improves sun damage by faster cell turnover. It is one of our most asked for treatments at Glamedix.


Venus Versa’s Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photo facial is the perfect pain free treatment to lessen sun damage and premature signs of aging at Glamedix. IPL technology can lighten sun spots and improve skin tone and texture in as little as one session.


The Alumier Glow peel and Renew 30 are both effective at lessening the appearance of pigmentation by helping to speed up the exfoliation process.This results in fresher, brighter looking skin.At Glamedix, chemical peels are often paired with other treatments to get the best result.


Daily use of sunscreen is your first line of defence to keep the suns harsh rays at bay and keep your skin looking youthful. When paired with a medical grade skincare routine at Glamedix that includes vitamin C, brighteners and retinols, you will see better results with treatments you receive.
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