Tweens and teens and skincare
TikTok is driving a fascination, verging on obsession, with skincare aimed specifically at
tweens and teens. There are some children, as young as 8 who are already are begging
their parents for skincare they see in Sephora. And they know all the catch words from
hyaluronic acid to vitamin C to retinol. The problem is these ingredients are not meant
for young skin. Not only can many of these ingredients be harmful to tweens and
teens-they may actually cause damage to the skin.
This age group is quickly becoming our next tastemakers and are influenced heavily by
what they see on social media. The packaging looks pretty, there are countless
promises that are being made and the influencers they see over and over on their
social media feeds are constantly flogging these products.
Growing up as a member of Gen X, I don’t think I used anything but Irish Spring bar
soap to wash my face. Moisturizer? Sunscreen? No idea what those were until I was
well into my 20’s.
But these days kids see it all, especially the 7 to10 step skincare routines they feel they
need to do every morning and night. They are using far too many products with far too
many active ingredients. This can cause acne, blackheads, burning, irritation, redness,
sun sensitivity and more. It can also make skin drier, and over time, vulnerable to
conditions like dermatitis.
Now I’m not saying to throw out all of these over the counter brands and buy
expensive medical grade skincare. But what did your 10 year old self use? Pickup a
nice gentle cleanser, maybe some moisturizer and a mineral based sunscreen. That is
more than enough for young skin.
As a mom whose two children suffered from acne in their teenage years- I can
confidently say to stay far away from over the counter products that claim to help.
Many can make acne much worse.

Medical grade skincare, like Alumier is perfect for young and hormonal skin. It will not
irritate but rather help decongest acne prone skin and when combined with light
chemical peels can really help your teen get through the struggle with their skin. Its not
about quantity, but quality. Medical grade skincare has research and clinical studies
behind it-something over the counter brands don’t need to have.
Our skin experts at Glamedix offer a free consultation with you and your teen to talk
about skin and explain why what they currently doing isn’t working. Bring in your
skincare and we will go through it bottle by bottle, lotion by lotion, and explain why its
appropriate or not. We have real solutions at Glamedix and even offer special student
pricing for treatments.
To book and appointment Glamedix please call 905.338.2011
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