Short term gains and long term goals

In a world where insta-everything is at our fingertips we can easily forget that some things take time.
While the world of aesthetics can often garner immediate results, it’s often a number of smaller steps to reach the goals you desire.
If you are looking for a fresher overall look, the condition of your skin should be your number one priority. If the texture and tone of your skin is lacklustre and suffering from sun damage, deciding to get filler and botox for wrinkles may not give you the overall result you are looking for
Glowing skin comes from taking care of it, using sunscreen, medical grade skin care and treatments to stimulate collagen and elastin. Morpheus 8, Venus Versa and chemical peels are all good places to start for this renewal. All will help kick start this process in varying degrees and leave your skin refreshed and looking younger. If you want to add botox or filler to your results, this will help soften wrinkles and deep lines further.
Keep in mind, in a world filled with filters, its important to understand your expectations may be unrealistic with what can be achieved with aesthetic treatments. At Glamedix we believe honesty is the best policy. We will be open and explain to you what we can realistically achieve with all of our treatments, and refrain from overselling what a product can do.
This is why consultations are key. Nothing takes the place of a face to face conversation with you to see what your goals are and what we can suggest. It’s your opportunity to ask any questions and learn about the technology we offer over a cup of coffee, free of any high pressure sales tactics. More importantly, it also gives you the opportunity to see if Glamedix is the right fit for you.

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